Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And then he said...

At around 12:45 tonight, as I was curled up on my couch with a lovely cashmere blanket, a slightly unlovely pit bull, and a certain novel by Jacqueline Susann with pills on the cover, I got a message from my boyfriend, who is waiting tables. It said he'd be home late, as Zac Posen had just walked in, and asked for him by name. (I might be making that very last part up). I have cajoled, nudged, pushed, and generally brow-beaten my otherwise very manly man into a vague interest in the fashion world, and I am thankful for his genuine (if minor) interest in what I do, but COME ON. How has HE met ZAC POSEN... TWICE?

The last time this happened, he told Zac that we're both huge fans of his work, and Zac said, "Thank you." This time, Zac said, "Hey man, good to see you again. By the way, I brought a bag and front row ticket to my show for your girlfriend. Tell her I said hi and to drop by the atelier sometime." (Ok, I may be making things up again.)

UPDATE: Boyfriend just got home. Zac did, in fact, remember him, and his name, and actually did say, "It's good to see you again." And he let slip these gems:
- He has managed to cut costs on the collection he is currently working on by weaving three different kinds of thread together and somehow making them look like embroidery.
- His apartment is somehow set up so that it's two entire floors of adjacent buildings.
- He likes vodka on the rocks with four (FOUR!) lemon wedges.

Still no bag or front row seat for me, but at least now I know what drink to buy him if I ever see him in a bar.